Environmental professionals, city building inspectors, and other professionals seeking training in Mold Recognition, Effective Sampling Strategies and Results Interpretation can attend a one-day mold training course offered in Burnaby, British Columbia; Mississauga, Ontario and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Sponsored by Mold & Bacteria Consulting Laboratories (MBL) Inc., the course provides participants with skills and background information to enable them Recognize Indoor Mould, Develop Effective Sampling Strategies, and Interpret Laboratory Results.
The MBL Mold Training Course provides insight into the causes of mold growth and control, the most important indoor molds, including important species of Penicillium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Trichoderma, Cladosporium, Mucor, Rhizopus, Alternaria and Scopulariopsis and also mycotoxins that may occur in an indoor environment.
Participants can develop a detailed understanding of the methods used to investigate mold growth in buildings, types of samples to collect as well as how to interpret laboratory results. The mold course provides a basic understanding of the biology of molds.
If you have been considering attending a similar course, don’t delay in registering as we have limited spaces! Click Booking Calendar to book for the course.
For more course information or to enroll by phone, please call 905-290-9101 or toll free 1-866-813-0648